Down To Earth – An Interview With Lucía Isabel Dávila:

Por IGS-International Geosynthetics Society
Lucía Isabel Dávila has loved civil engineering since childhood. Here, Lucía, who has been involved with the Young Members Committee (YMC) since 2017 and is currently the chair of the YMC’s South America region, shares her journey in geosynthetics.
Lucía Isabel Dávila, National Autonomous University of Honduras, UNAH.
Can you summarise your experience of working with geosynthetics?
I had the privilege of studying at University of Brasilia where my Masters dissertation supervisor was Professor Ennio M Palmeira. I conducted one year of research on flow-through damages in PVC geomembranes. I had the chance to participate at the IGS Student Award Session at GeoAmericas 2020, where I represented Honduras. I am also currently helping to organize the student award for the next EuroGeo, GeoAfrica and GeoAsia conferences.